It was brutal! I couldn’t feel my fingers, but at least I wasn’t really playing the guitar track – they would overdub that later. wearing a light jacket and playing guitar with numb fingers, while the crew wore parkas and gloves. I was being filmed as Robin Williams’ character in a distance shot, standing in Washington Square Park from 9 p.m. The most difficult day for me was a night shoot, which I didn’t realize means sundown to sunrise. It would literally take a whole day for a ten minute scene.

It’s fascinating to see what goes into one scene. I’m definitely not complaining, but it was pretty exhausting. Consulting and doubling was completely different –12 to 14 hour days mostly spent waiting to do my job. I can see how stars can become removed from reality. I was treated very well I had my own (part of a) trailer and handlers escorted me to the set. There is an energy on the set that was very cool – everybody sharing a common goal. I have to say I really enjoyed the experience.
What is it like as a musician on a movie set?

I was confident I could do the gig and put them at ease that I was the right choice – plus, the production manager and I hit it off right away. I’ve built a strong resume over the years teaching and performing in New York City, but part of being a working musician is selling yourself. In a way, it took me years to get the gig, if you know what I mean. I was referred by my friend Matt Smith, who got the call initially but sent them my way, as he had a conflicting tour scheduled. This is a pretty cool gig – how did you find out about it? We got together with Jeff to chat about his roles as Freddie’s guitar teacher, Robin’s body and hand double, and musical consultant. The movie revolves around a guitar-prodigy orphan’s (Freddie Highmore, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) search for his birth parents with the help of a “mysterious stranger” named Wizard (Robin Williams). For the upcoming family film, August Rush, TrueFire and Premier Clinic instructor Jeff McErlain worked behind and in front of the cameras to ensure six-stringed brilliance. Whenever guitar is featured in a movie, there are talented guitarists on the set making it all run smoothly.